Randall Bowden, Ph.D.
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Randall Bowden
Author Bio

I was born in a small town in Idaho and grew up in Southern California. I spent most of my adult life in Denver, Colorado where I went to college, and eventually earned a Ph.D. from the University of Denver. Currently, as an Associate Professor at the University of North Dakota, I continue to write and publish research articles in higher education administration, and work on my next fiction.

My publications include articles in journals with a focus on higher education and the law; organizational development; international business; and international education. Chasing Echoes is the product of my desire to venture into a world filled with artistic creativity and imagination. Traveling with my wife, Cindy, and flyfishing are my passions.
Chasing Echoes
By Randall Bowden
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ISBN 1-4137-3031-0