- Ph.D., University of Denver
- M.A., University of Colorado
- B.A., Colorado Christian College
- Associate Professor of Teaching & Learning for Higher Education Administration
- Associate Dean
- Assistant Professor of Management
- Dean/Executive Director
- Manager, Marketing and Business Development
- General Manager
- Project Manager
Sample Research Publications/Presentations
- Institutional Advancement Activities at Select Hispanic Serving Institutions:
The Politics of Fund Raising. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education.
- Business Education: A View of US and European Management Styles.
European Applied Business Conference proceedings. Venice, Italy.
- The "Art" in the Art and Science of Organization Development. Organization
Development Journal.
- State Lotteries: Their Impact on Equal Access to Higher Education. Journal
of Hispanic Higher Education.
- Measuring Organizational Effectiveness: The Role of the "Organizational
Community Index." International Business & Economics Research Journal.
Public Speaking Engagements
- University Commencement Key Note, Florida
- Leadership Goals, Texas
- Valued Added Graduate Programs, Antwerp, Belgium
- Corporate Training, Texas for Taiwanese delegation
- What is Leadership?, Texas
- Service Tribute, Colorado
- Motivating Buyers, Colorado
- Speaking Clearly, Colorado
- Leaving a Legacy, Colorado
Court Decisions and Administrative Decision Making in Academia. Academy
for the Studies in Business Law Journal.
Factors in the Descision to Hold a Quinceanera. International
Textile and Appearal Association Conference.
Managing Conflict: The Development of the Conflict Tension Reduction
Model. International Business and Economic Research Conference.
Making the Transition to a Participative Corporate Culture: Link between Business
Philosophy and Organizational Community. 16th National Conference on Undergraduate Research.